TOP 20 OF 2024ALLEGRA KRIEGER For American singer-songwriter Allegra Krieger, 2024 marked the release of her second full-length EP and arguably her most robust work to date, 'Art of the Unseen Infinity Machine'.
TOP 20 OF 2024AN-TING 安婷 London-based, Taiwan-born sound artist An-Ting 安婷 has made a name for herself in the world of ambient, experimental and electronic music this year.
LIST PICKMORGAN NOISE Fat Dog saxophonist Morgan Wallace has made waves this year with her experimental pop side-project, Morgan Noise.
TOP 20 OF 2024JæD Irish-Puerto Rican musician Jæd spent 2024 crafting her incredible debut album, 'I Loved The Gauntlet And There Was No Other Way', which released at the end of November.
LIST PICKTRAINING + RUTH GOLLER TRAINING have spent the year collaborating with bassist, composer and vocalist Ruth Goller.
TOP 20 OF 2024MAGNOLIA Experimental post-rock seven-piece MAGNOLIA produced some of our highlights of 2024.
TOP 20 OF 2024DOUBLE WISH Known for their uniquely contrasting ‘dark sunshine-pop’ sound, Double Wish stood out in 2024.
LIST PICKBLOUSEY CANELA SKINLondon art-rock quintet Blousey make their rousing debut with ‘Canela Skin’.
LIST PICKHORSEGIRL JULIEChicago outfit Horsegirl reveal 'Julie' - the reflective second sample of their forthcoming sophomore album 'Phonetics On And On'.