LIST PICKALPHAWHORES PIRATE MODEPanama-based alt-rock duo AlphaWhores have returned with their new single, ‘Pirate Mode’.
LIST PICKLAMBRINI GIRLS NO HOMOPolitical punk duo Lambrini Girls unveil an unhinged video for focus track 'No Homo'.
LIST PICKSCULPTURE PARK MONUMENT TO EFFORTOut now via Joy of Life International, 'Monument to Effort' is the first single and title track of South London quintet Sculpture Park's debut album.
LIST PICKGIONATAN SCALI MODERN MANTurin-born multidisciplinary artist Gionatan Scali shares rousing new single ‘Modern Man’.
LIST PICKMARIA SOMERVILLE GARDENNTS radio host and artist in her own right, Irish musician Maria Somerville announces her debut LP for 4AD with heady new track 'Garden'.
LIST PICKROSIE ALENA BABIESSongwriter and real life angel Rosie Alena mourns the loss of an idealised forever on 'Babies'.
LIST PICKIONA ZAJAC SUMMERArriving at the top of a sold out tour in support of Alison Moyet, Scottish songstress Iona Zajac shares the striking tear-jerker 'Summer'.
LIST PICKPINK MUST KARAOKE OF THE BENDSBrooklyn sound artists Mari Maurice Rubio and Lynn Avery announce their self-titled debut LP as Pink Must, alongside lo-fi masterpiece 'Karaoke of the Bends'.
LIST PICKMY NEW BAND BELIEVE LECTURE 25Former black midi member Cameron Picton (aka Camera Picture) releases 'Lecture 25' with brand new project of friends My New Band Believe.
LIST PICKTIBERIUS B SUGAR RUSHA long-term TMR fave, Tiberius b treats us to their tasty new single 'SUGAR RUSH'.