LIST PICKCHRIS LUNO BABYSTEPSBerlin-based DJ and producer Chris Luno has returned with mellow his new cut, ‘Babysteps’.
LIST PICKFRENCHIE DISTANCE‘Distance’ is a deeply beautiful track taken from French-English singer-songwriter Frenchie’s upcoming self-titled debut album.
LIST PICKHELEN GANYA BARN NORKScottish-Thai songwriter Helen Ganya reveals a karaoke-style lyric video for self-aware focus track 'Barn Nork'.
LIST PICKMOLTO MORBIDI CASUAL SHAPESHIFTINGFrench avant-pop artist molto morbidi has dropped her relatable new single, ‘Casual Shapeshifting’.
LIST PICKASTLES WE COULD’VE BEEN ANYTHING‘We Could’ve Been Anything’ is the impeccably-arranged new single from Astles.
LIST PICKYHWH NAILGUN SICKLE WALKArriving ahead of their debut album '45 Pounds', ‘Sickle Walk’ is the intricate new offering from staunch experimentalists YHWH Nailgun.
LIST PICKFRANK LLOYD WLEFT HOW DID I LET MYSELF FALL SO IN LOVE WITH YOU? (FEAT. NINA WINDER-LIND)Frank Lloyd Wleft has teamed up with Nina Winder-Lind (The New Eves) for their country-inspired tune 'How Did I Let Myself Fall So In Love With You?'.
LIST PICKPUNCHBAG FUCK IT‘Fuck It’ is the first single from South London sibling duo PUNCHBAG since signing to Mute.
LIST PICKYASMINE HAMDAN HON هونBeirut-born, Paris-based producer, singer and songwriter Yasmine Hamdan has revealed her newest single, ‘Hon هون’.
LIST PICKCHLOTHEGOD I FEEL DIFFERENT EVERY DAY‘I Feel Different Every Day’ is the title track from chlothegod’s excellent new EP.