TOP 20 OF 2022
Appearing like ethereal fairies on our radar this year, the utterly mesmerising twosome Robbie & Mona have become a firm favourite here at TMR. Signed to Bristol-formed tastemakers Spinny Nights, who've been on the pulse with some of our other top tips, (Nukuluk, Grove & Park Motive to name a few), the industrious pair also appear in the glimmering lo-fi outfit Pet Shimmers. Easing us in to their new material with the spellbinding 'Sherry Prada' back in September, the duo announced their sophomore album Tusky with it's accomplished and experimentally-inclined follow up 'Clapback', which we described as a haunting whirlwind of a track. Whilst we await the arrival of Tusky on the 10th of March 2023, we'll be rinsing the singles and their first album EW and we'd encourage you to do the same. -Holly Mullineaux