Today, we’d like to introduce you to Nina Luna, the New York vocalist and songwriter who has spent the past few months working with various musicians and producers in her new home of Los Angeles. The first of these secret sessions we’re hearing is ‘Goodbye Forever', recorded with and produced by regular collaborator Lex Low. Over waves of watery electronics, pretty pop synths and R&B-soaked trap beats, Nina Luna’s silky vocals echo a reluctant farewell. Track partner Lex Low also chimes in around 1:05, setting the Californian scene where this break-up song was penned. Speaking about this new track, Nina Luna tells us that "Lex and I were in the studio a few months ago- I played him a voice memo I'd recorded on my phone, a few bars about a recent moment in a relationship ("I'm crying in your car, you've got your head in your hands... I was never good at goodbye forever") and we ended up building the rest of the song around that. It came together pretty quickly and then Lex worked his magic and gave it more of an atmosphere." - HT