Highly creative electronic duo Orbury Common strike again with the moving third single from their forthcoming debut album Slyvan Chute. Joining previous singles 'The Resident' and 'Finer Scales' among some of our favourite new tracks, 'Jaundice & The Pipermen' recounts an eerie story atop of textural beats, glistening synthesizers and manipulated samples. Shifting drastically in mood from dark and foreboding to light and euphoric as the piece progresses, the band explain: “This song began as a patchwork of musical ideas and mangled woodwind samples. My friend asked me ‘is Jaundice & the Pipermen about death?’, and I said ‘how can you be so crude?’. It’s a list of stuff I’ve seen around where I live, through a jaded lens, tossed up with some dreams and daydreams...I imagined passing through an endless misty plain where things I’ve seen in real life (which felt dreamlike) and things I’ve seen in dreams (which felt lifelike) coalesce and emerge from the mist. It’s about taking the scenic route to find clarity and unshrouding the mysteriously dark thoughts which occasionally enter the mind.” -Holly Mullineaux