Flavourful UK ensemble Mandrake Handshake lend themselves to unrelenting currents of psychedelic funk with new single 'King Cnut'. The band's indulgent motley of sound is detached from convention with its worldly influence, fusing whirling psychedelia and the driving force of their own brand of krautrock - flowerkraut - to roll out free flowing non-traditional compositions. With ten members on their line-up, there's a unique kaleidoscopic artistry that's brought to the table. Mandrake's latest jaunt 'King Cnut' presents their collective disdain towards powerlessness. It's veiled behind the mesmeric movement of swirling synths, an exotic alliance between bongos and tambourine, Trinity Oksana's floated out vocals and supporting chant-like harmonies. The instrumentation pulses with great motility against a hypnotic membrane. While some psychedelia-inpsired tracks lean into organic, nonsensical lyricism and separate themselves from meaning, Mandrake's 'King Cnut' was developed around a trippy tale. "It is fabled that 10th/11th century ruler King Cnut tested his power by setting his throne on the shore and attempting to push back the tides. Of course, the waters ignored his commands and continued to rise around his feet. "Let all the world know that the power of kings is empty and worthless!", cried the king", the band explained. "Much like our humbled dane, this track was written while feeling beaten by the tides of fortune: broke, stuck indoors, with nothing much to do besides curse spiteful demagogues and pine for redemption." 'King Cnut' is ear-catching, a vivid and psychotropic offering from a new era of Mandrake Handshake. -Kayla Sandiford
