South London polymath Luke Kulukundis is one of those rare and special talents who's enviable skillset and infectious energy is something to be celebrated. The musician, producer, filmmaker, and driving force behind one of TMR's top tips Nukuluk, has shared his debut solo single 'Jagged' via Slow Dance's rightfully esteemed compilation series. Fusing familiar samples, with cold, subby beats and harp-like guitar tumbles, Kulukundis' earnest vocals spill striking imagery over the eclectic soundscape. He shares: "I started making the track on a train leaving New York in October and finished it in a cold room in Bermondsey; it expresses a moment that is now very much over like music often does." Released alongside GG skips' 'Perfumed Nights' and 'War, N.d' by n.o. Art Ensemble, the full Slow Dance compilation lands next month, featuring offerings from feeo, Lipworms and more. -Holly Mullineaux 
