Two Yorkshiremen walk into a bar and a number of years later the result is this jubilant new single from Doberman & Deaf Whaler. Fusing a loungey, lo-fi instrumental, imbued with the promise of brighter days, Doberman's deeply unserious flow could make a statue crack a smile. Retaining enough integrity not to fall into the territory of a comedy track, Doberman's relatable lyricism oozes with a distinctively Northern cheekiness, as he recounts 'I've got a knuckleduster made of Hoola Hoops'. Deaf Whaler's tasteful ear counteracts some of the sillier moments in the track, despite its equally playful approach, introducing classy double bass lines and blissed out delays atop of gently crispy hip-hop beats. A fitting title for a track that took two pairs of hands to make, 'AMBIDEXTROUS' is an authentic and promising piece from two emerging talents. -Holly Mullineaux 
