Since releasing her breakthrough single ‘Ocean Eyes’ at the impossibly young age of thirteen, Billie Eilish has never failed to impress us with her intelligent lyricism, enduring vocal and atypical pop songwriting. Now fifteen-years-old, the Californian music-maker is fast approaching her much anticipated debut EP, Don’t Smile At Me, from which we’ve already heard bass-heavy ‘COPYCAT’ and ‘watch’. Now, we’re treated to romantic sways of ‘idontwannabeyouanymore’. It’s a jazzy, downtempo track that’s full of dramatic stop-start percussion, playful guitar riffs and earnest keys that sit at the heart of this poignantly self-aware song. According to Eilish, “This song is from the perspective of me towards me.” It’s something we can all relate to - looking back at a former version of oneself and wanting to distance yourself from that other you as much as possible. With ‘idontwannabeyouanymore’, this promising songwriter recognises that identity is fluid and we shouldn’t expect anyone, artists included, to remain the same always. Perhaps, there’s more change to come following Billie Eilish’s EP release on August 11th via Dark Room/Interscope Records. - HT
